Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Staff

It has been with great disappointment that I’ve listened to the news generally for so many months but especially over the last several days when I was hoping that things would begin to turn around and we might feel a little more optimistic.

Earlier today, the Victorian Government announced that, on the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, regional and rural Victoria will move to Stage 3 restrictions and metropolitan Melbourne will move to Stage 4 restrictions to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

These requirements apply to all schools across the government, Catholic and independent sectors and across all metropolitan Melbourne and rural and regional Victoria.

The changes to schools’ operations will come into effect from Wednesday 5 August, following a student free day on Tuesday 4 August, and are likely to apply until the end of Term 3.

As outlined in the Chief Health Officer’s advice on Friday, schools remain safe places for staff and students who must attend on site – but these steps are critical measures to reduce the movement of students and families across the state.

There are implications for our school, and for families in our school community.

A summary of what the changes mean for our school is below.



  • Prep to Year 10 students will continue with remote and flexible learning.
  • The criteria for students that can attend on-site has changed as follows:
    • children whose parents are permitted workers. The Victorian Government will provide further advice about this over the coming days and this will be communicated to parents as soon as I receive further information. At this stage, we only know there will be changes and these will impact families in our community who have been sending children to school during this current period of remote learning
    • vulnerable children in out of home care, children known to child protection and other agencies and children the school identifies as vulnerable
    • children with a disability who also fit one of the above two categories.


  • Monday 3 August will be a ‘normal’ day of school under current arrangements, and we will endeavour to ensure students attending on-site learning take all their necessary learning materials home.
  • Tuesday 4 August will be a student-free day across Victoria to enable teachers, especially in rural and regional Victoria, to prepare for flexible and remote learning. This applies to Caulfield South PS.
  • Wednesday 5 August will be the first day of new arrangements for schools across Victoria.
  • This is a day ahead of the statewide introduction of the Stage 3 restrictions in rural and regional Victoria but will provide for a smooth transition and will enable as much continuity of learning as possible.


  • We will ensure sufficient staff are available for necessary on-site supervision for those children who must be on-site according to the new criteria.
  • Staff not required for on-site supervision will work from home.
  • New criteria will apply to staff required to attend on site also

I will provide an update as soon as possible about any further arrangements regarding how this will impact our school community.

I thank everyone in our community for your understanding and support. Once again, I encourage you all to take time to think through the new conditions calmly and know some things are beyond our control. Please focus on those things you can control and look for the positives and seek help where needed.

I will try to be available to speak to any parents who are in need and wish to discuss family circumstances. We will endeavour to support our students and families where we possibly can or help to arrange support that may be available. We will do this within the current government restrictions and guidelines, and these will be applied as fairly and equitably as possible.

My very best wishes and warmest regards to all,


Gayle Yardley


Caulfield South PS