Dear CSPS students, parents and carers,
I hope this week has not proven to be too difficult, although I suspect it may have been at the very least, a bit of a trying week. I’m hoping that everyone has been kind and patient and these few days have been an opportunity to begin to get ready for next term if we proceed with online learning. It’s certainly been an interesting week for our staff and for the leaders in our school as we navigate through how to manage this. What I did observe this week was much effort, some discomfort and a great deal of collaboration and team support amongst our staff.
Our teachers and support staff will only be able to contact their children through e-learning platforms and other mechanisms that may be available for the purposes of teaching and learning and supporting our students next term which will be a challenge.
The Department is constantly providing advice around learning and support platforms and the appropriate privacy protection requirements. We will communicate with parents as we receive any further information.
I will only send Flexischools notices through the holidays if there is different and important information for parents.
All our staff hope that our families are able to get a break and that amidst the difficulties so many are facing, that you all have some family time and relaxation as you work out a different kind of holiday for your families.
I know I harp on about the need for kindness and patience but in times of troubles we need this and we need our courage, so I wish that for both the adults and the children in our CSPS community.
Please remember that the school email is being monitored if there is any urgent communication during the holiday period.
I thank our parents and carers for the support, gratitude and enormous effort you are putting in for our children. And I thank the staff for their extraordinary contribution this term and particularly these last few weeks. May there be some well-deserved relaxation for all somewhere in these two weeks ahead. It will be different so please look for the positives and try to be creative, stay home and stay healthy!
A few of our staff put together a little video in recognition of a very strange end of term. Please click on ‘School Holidays’ below.
School will resume for children on 15th April in one way or another!
Kind regards to all,
Gayle, Bianca and CSPS staff