How wonderful to have all our children and staff back at school together! To celebrate our full return which coincides with the return of the AFL competition, we encourage everyone to dress up in footy colours this Thursday 11th June. -This is not a fundraising event, just a fun way to celebrate.
With the greater number of students today we managed a very smooth entry and exit and I just want to remind everyone to be mindful of social distancing. One of the good things to come out of this challenging time has been an appreciation of some of those everyday things in life that we often take for granted. I know there will be an array of emotions amongst our parents as well as our students with the return of everyone to school, so I hope you are all coping well as we go through another change. Please know how grateful we are to have all our children back and we will do our very best to keep them all mindful of staying heathy as well as encouraging re connection with friends, class groups and the broader groups within the school.
I want parents to know how grateful we all are for the care and effort that has gone into helping us continue the learning for our children over the last couple of months. Our teachers and our community have done an amazing job under much pressure and I believe that the impact from this whole experience will reach beyond the academic learning that has occurred. Indeed, I hope there has been much social emotional development along with learning to manage change and challenges. We may have more resilient students as a result and perhaps our children will know themselves and their families on a deeper level.
I also want to reiterate that not all families have had a smooth journey during this time and I encourage anyone who needs any well-being assistance or support to contact Bianca, class teachers or me. There are services and supports that we may be able to help put in place and we can also then monitor student well-being.
A big “Thank you” to our very thoughtful and kind Parents’ Association who organised an individual Tahli’s treat ‘thank you’ cookie today in the shape of an apple, for all our staff. What a lovely and unexpected surprise! We had a truly wonderful day today with our ‘big kids’ joining the Prep to 2 students and staff on site. Let’s hope we can all look forward to a healthy and positive future resulting in a bit of a smoother road ahead for us all.
Warm regards to all
Gayle, Bianca and CSPS staff