Hello again, CSPS families,
I just want to say thank you to all our parents for your ongoing efforts to support our students in challenging times. I also want to say how grateful I am to those who managed to send in the feedback that we requested, much of which matches up to the teachers thoughts, particularly in getting our classes together online with teachers. Our Year 6’s have led the way and this coming week other classes will also now be connecting through Google Meet. Teachers will be sending out further details in their weekly communication. I hope that this connection will help to support the well-being of our children and I know it will help the well-being of teachers!
As we head into another weekend, I thought I’d send through a little news item and photo we received from our fabulous Drum Corps. They were of course, very disappointed not to be able to march in the ANZAC Parade this year and so they all got a bit creative. They did get together in spirit and the attached collage is the result. Well done to Drum Corps students, parents and Drum Master, Sandy Hood.
Atticus in Year 4 also joined in the ANZAC spirit and played the Last Post (video attached) in his driveway for his neighbours. Great tribute and great community spirit, Atticus.
I wonder what creativity this wintery weather will bring to our CSPS homes?
Stay warm and stay healthy everyone.
Warmest regards,
Gayle, Bianca and CSPS staff