Dear CSPS families and carers,

You will all no doubt have heard during the course of today that Victorian government schools will move to remote and flexible learning in Term 2 which begins for students, next Wednesday 15th April. This is certainly a time when our resilience, patience, community support and openness to learning will be tested. I am hoping amidst the turmoil of this time, much learning will take place and it may improve our teaching and learning going forward. I am grateful to our leadership team for their efforts this week as we work towards what this will look like for CSPS. We will be sending home information and surveys to both families and teachers to determine how we can best support our students and families and what our teaching workforce will look like as we begin this new online form of teaching and learning.My message to everyone is to hasten slowly and mindfully and take control of what we are able to control as there is enough which is beyond all our control right now. I encourage everyone to be optimistic and supportive of each other as we move forward with so many varying levels of skill and access in this new learning environment.

I ask all families to make contact through the school email during the holidays where contact is required as this is the email that is being monitored while our teachers are on holidays. Please hold off on queries until you have received further information in the next couple of days. I’m confident that we’ll have the necessary information and surveys out to parents prior to Easter now that we have had confirmation of directions for Term 2, today. I include information from the Premier’s official Facebook page below.

I thank you all for your patience and support as we work our way through this difficult time.

Warm regards to all,

Gayle, Bianca and CSPS staff

Daniel Andrews’ Facebook communication:

‘Hi everyone.

I know lots of kids and their parents are concerned about Term 2 starting next week and how that will happen.

It will look a bit different across the state – but the main thing to know is that government schools will be moving to remote and flexible learning.

That means teachers will run all their classes remotely.

If students don’t have access to a computer or device at home, we’ll loan them one.

And we will provide internet access for thousands of students who need it most.

Kids whose parents still have to go to work can continue to attend school – and we’ll provide supervision.

But I want to be clear on this: they’ll be learning remotely, just like everyone else.

If kids can learn at home, they must learn at home.

We don’t want any more students or staff than absolutely necessary to be at school.

For our Year 11 and 12 students: VCE exams will be postponed.

End-of-year exams will take place in December at the earliest. The GAT will take place in October or November, with other exams currently being rescheduled

As soon as we know the new dates I’ll let you know.

We’re working with TAFEs and universities to plan for 2021. We will not let this disadvantage a single Victorian student.

I appreciate how difficult this is for everyone. I’ve got three teenagers at home in exactly the same boat.

But we will make this work. We have to.

And finally, to our hard-working teachers and school staff:

Thank you for everything. You are truly irreplaceable.’