Dear Parents and carers,

After our second day of Prep to Year Two children returning to learning at school, we are seeing very settled classrooms where it’s almost hard to believe our students have been away from the routines of school for so long. It’s been lovely to see our children enjoying reconnecting in person with friends and our teachers who have also been excited to have their students back in the classroom.

Thank you to our parents who have been so accommodating with the drop-off and pick-up arrangements resulting in a very smooth operation at the beginning and end of each day. It’s been lovely to see parents also reconnecting as children are being dropped off and picked up.

There are some safety measures that we ask everyone to consider mindfully:

  • With the relaxation of some regulations, it’s really important to maintain our vigilance with social distancing and hygiene. (There is no social distancing with children in school but we are still encouraging children to be mindful of maintaining some distance).
  • At drop-off and pick-up times, please ensure the entry areas are as clear as possible by moving away from these areas once children are delivered or picked up.
  • Please ensure all children have their own water bottle which may be refilled at school as students are not permitted to drink from the water fountains.
  • Please ensure teachers are advised promptly regarding student absences.
  • Medication such as epipen’s, antihistamines and Ventolin which were taken home at the end of Term 1 need to be returned via your child’s bag. Please inform your child’s teacher via email that they have medication in their bag

We ask that any loaned devices are returned to the school via your child’s school bag and that you email the class teacher to inform them that it will be in your child’s bag.

Our Year 3 to 6 teachers are being very stoic as they continue to teach remotely from their empty classrooms. However, the support in being together (but apart) at school is being appreciated by us all.

I hope our families whose children have returned to school are adjusting well to the changes in routine and our Year 3 to 6 students are still going strong with their remote learning. We look forward to the 9th of June!

Warm regards to all

Gayle, Bianca and CSPS staff